Construsoft este acolo pentru a vă ajuta să avansați, partajând cunoștințe și instrumente digitale, optimizând industria clădirilor bazate pe digital împreună cu clienții noștri. Ne propunem să creștem productivitatea industriei construcțiilor prin soluții eficiente digitalizate și bazate pe modele de construcție și de gestionare a lanțului de aprovizionare.
Transformarea nu va fi realizată doar prin implementarea de noi tehnologii, ci printr-o combinație de tehnologii avansate, procese și oameni.
Sunteți pregătiți să lucrați construibil?

Ne place să rupem barierele

Totul este despre clienții noștri
De încredere

Facem ce spunem și spunem ce facem

Adoptăm oportunități noi

Oferim cu mândrie soluții bine testate

Înțelegem importanța modelelor corecte
With nearly 25 years of experience in the industry, Construsoft grew to a leading supplier and developer of BIM & VDC-solutions and related services. In more than 30 countries in Europe and South America, we are the local partner of Trimble, rapidly expanding with Trimble-software and other open solutions. Construsoft HQ is located in the Netherlands, with local offices around the world for seamless coordination with the local customer needs.
We believe that we can only grow and prosper if we value the relationships with our customers and partners. Collaboration is key throughout the building process and we understand that we are a partner of our customers to provide high quality tools, skills and knowledge. Herewith, our customers can offer the best structural solution and ensure the highest quality possible. We aim for customers excellence with our services and we focus on building reliable, trustworthy customer relationships for the long term.
Construsoft offers a unique package of BIM (Building Information Modelling) & VDC (Virtual Design and Construction) modelling & process solutions which allows our customers to make huge steps in the digitalization of the building process. We offer and develop software for general and detailed modelling, providing the building and construction industry with all the tools needed to create an accurate, detailed 3D environment. Next to software solutions, we support implementation and workflows with consultancy, technical support, training, updates and other services, all to fit your companies standards and personal specific needs.
At Construsoft, we provide a professional, safe and enjoyable work environment that supports job enthusiasm, working relationships and effective teamwork. We strive for high customer satisfaction on the long term, which can only be achieved by ensuring the best working atmosphere and job opportunities and acquiring the best, new talents in the business.
With 25 years of continuous growth and a solid foundation for a durable future, we give our employees numerous opportunities to grow and develop. We support a dedication to both work and family and desire that our employees find balance and high commitment to both. And lastly, we want to have fun and enjoy our relationships with those with whom we collaborate, by for instance going on a biennial 'bootcamp' with all colleagues as shown in this video.