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Legal notice Construsoft Campus


This section includes information regarding the general conditions of access and use of the website, which must be known by the user, for the purposes provided for in Law 34/2002 of 11 July, of Services of the Information Society and Electronic Commerce.
The use of this website and its content is subject to this Legal Notice. If you do not accept the Legal Notice, please leave this website.

1. Owner of the website
CONSTRUSOFTEXPORT S.L. (from now on CONSTRUSOFT) with CIF: B65857880 and Mercantile Registry of Barcelona, Volume: 43.334. Folio: 20. Sheet: B-425.489. Inscription: 7º, and registered office: Calle Doctor Vila, número 3, bajos, local 2. Sant Andreu de la Barca (08740), Barcelona. Telephone: (+34) 93 632 73 50 – Email:

2. Conditions of access to
Access to this website is the sole responsibility of users and implies that they are aware of and accept the legal warnings, conditions and terms of use contained therein. Access to the services offered through the website requires, in general, the previous registration of users. The username and password are identifying and enabling elements to access the services and are personal and non-transferable. If the user does not agree with the content of these general browsing conditions, he or she must leave the website and may not access it or use the services it offers. 
The user guarantees that he or she is over 14 years old. The user also guarantees the veracity and authenticity of the information communicated when registering as a user in order to contract the services and is also obliged to keep this information updated. 
The connections with other websites that may exist, as well as the use that the user may make of them, are subject to these general conditions and any specific conditions that may be required by the aforementioned websites. Any other different use of the authorized is expressly prohibited. 
Construsoft may modify, at any time it considers appropriate, the configuration of this website, the conditions of service and its content, as well as eliminate, limit or suspend them temporarily or permanently, or prevent access to it, and try to inform the user of this change, whenever circumstances permit, through a publication on the website. 

3. Terms of use of

The user undertakes to make appropriate use of the services and/or contents of the website and not to use them for illegal activities or activities that constitute a crime and/or that infringe the provisions of this legal notice, the regulations on intellectual or industrial property, or any other rule of the legal system. The use made of the information contained in this website is the exclusive responsibility of the user.
The user guarantees the authenticity and veracity of all the data he or she communicates to CONSTRUSOFT through the different online forms and is responsible for the inaccuracy or lack of veracity of the information provided.
Likewise, with declarative character, but not limited to, the user agrees not to introduce, transmit or disseminate: 

  • Contents of a racist, xenophobic, pornographic nature, of apology for terrorism or which attempt against human rights.
  • Contents that promote criminal, denigrating, defamatory, violent or, in general, contrary to the law, morals, good customs and public order.
  • Information or content that violates fundamental rights and public freedoms recognized both constitutionally and in international treaties.
  • Information to unauthorized third parties of usernames and passwords. And if the password reaches another user, he or she agrees to inform Construsoft immediately.
  • Information or contents that imply the violation of the intellectual and industrial property rights (including, but not limited to, patents, trademarks and copyright), of CONSTRUSOFT or third parties.
  • Unauthorized or not requested advertising, spam, chain emails, pyramid structures, etc.
  • Data programs (viruses and malware -malicious software-) that may cause damage to the computer systems of the access provider, its suppliers or third-party Internet users.

4. Exemption from liability 
CONSTRUSOFT cannot control the use made by users of the website and its contents, and for this reason it is not responsible of any kind of damages that may result from the illegal, incorrect, inadequate or partial use and/or non-compliance by the user of these conditions of access and use, as well as any other condition that may be found on this website with respect to any of its services, without prejudice, in any case, to the legal actions that correspond to CONSTRUSOFT and/or third parties.
CONSTRUSOFT cannot guarantee the permanent availability and continuity of the operation of the website, nor the information, content, software, materials or products included in it. 
Thus, it is excluded any liability for any kind of damages that may arise from the lack of availability or continuity of the operation of the web site, its services and the use that users may make of it.
In any case, CONSTRUSOFT will make every effort to maintain the continuous availability of this website.
Likewise, CONSTRUSOFT shall not be liable for any possible security errors or deficiencies that may occur due to the use, by the user, of a browser with a non-updated or insecure version, as well as for the activation of the devices to keep the keys or identification codes of the user registered in the browser, or for any damage, errors or inaccuracies that may arise from a misuse or malfunction.

The user accepts that the website has been created and developed in good faith by CONSTRUSOFT with information from internal and external sources and offers it in its current state to users, even though it may include inaccuracies or misprints. For this reason, the user exonerates CONSTRUSOFT from any responsibility regarding the reliability, usefulness or false expectation that the web site may cause during the navigation.
In the case that the user should cause any type of damage or harm to third parties, this user is solely responsible for it. Likewise, the user will be responsible for the expenses, costs and, if applicable, compensations that may be derived from legal proceedings due to the breach of what is established in these conditions and in the applicable regulations.
Regarding the hyperlinks to external websites, CONSTRUSOFT does not assume responsibility for the content or functionality of external websites that CONSTRUSOFT neither controls nor manages.

5. Intellectual and industrial property

All the website content (including, but not limited to, databases, images, drawings, graphics, text files, maps, frames, banners, software and its various source codes, audio and video), as well as the website itself as a visual presentation, are the property of CONSTRUSOFT or its content providers, which have been, in the latter case, licensed or assigned by CONSTRUSOFT, and are protected by national and international intellectual and industrial property laws. The compilation (understood as the compilation, design, layout and assembly) of all content on this site is the exclusive property of CONSTRUSOFT. All software involved in the use and development of the website is the property of CONSTRUSOFT or its software suppliers and is protected by national and international industrial and intellectual property laws. It is prohibited to any user, without the previous written authorization of CONSTRUSOFT, the holders of the intellectual property rights or other property rights of the contents, with declarative character, but not limited to, the accomplishment of the following acts, with respect to the website and its contents:

  • Any form of public communication, by any means, including making it available to the public, so that any person may access it from a place and at a time of their choosing.
  • Any form of distribution, including, but not limited to, sale, rental and/or loan.
  • Any form of direct or indirect, temporary or permanent reproduction by any means and in any form of all or part of the website or its contents.
  • Any form of transformation, total or partial, including the creation of derivative products and/or services.
  • Any other form of access that includes the above or other different forms.
  • Any form, direct or indirect, of extraction and/or reuse of all or a substantial part of the content of any database, and/or the repeated or systematic extraction and/or reuse of its non-substantial parts.

Notwithstanding the foregoing, the user may freely view the website and its contents and download them for personal and non-commercial use, without being able to extend them to third parties or entities, either for free or for a fee. Consequently, the availability and use of databases, images, drawings, graphics, text files, audio and video files and software owned by CONSTRUSOFT or its suppliers, which appear on the website, and any other content, does not imply, in any case, the transfer of ownership or the granting of a right of use in favour of the user. The trademarks, signs, distinctive signs or logos that appear on the website are the property of CONSTRUSOFT or have been licensed or assigned by their owner and are duly registered or in the process of registration. The unauthorized or improper use of these elements is an infringement of the industrial property rights of CONSTRUSOFT or other third owners. 

7. Protection of personal data
For more information about this point, please check our Privacy Policy at the following link: Privacy policy.

8. Use of Cookies
For more information about this point, please check our Cookie Policy at the following link: Cookie policy.

9. Links to third parties
The website includes links to other web pages of entities not belonging to CONSTRUSOFT, which does not assume responsibility for their contents, nor for the products or services they offer and the possible viruses and malware (malicious software) they may contain.

10. Links to
It is strictly forbidden for the user to make any alterations to this website that may affect its content, such as links, etc. 
It is also forbidden to link to this website from web pages or other means, contrary to the law, morality, public order or that attempt against the good name or image of CONSTRUSOFT or any of its distinctive signs.
Links to any of the pages of this website that do not contravene the above-mentioned prohibitions must comply with the following:
The user must know that he/she is accessing this website and, in addition, the URL corresponding to the page which is linking must appear in his/her browser.

11. Legislation and jurisdiction
The general conditions of this legal notice and any other contractual text on this website are governed by Spanish law.
Any dispute arising from access to and use of this website and its contents and services, as well as the interpretation and compliance with these general conditions and any other text with contractual character of this website, the parties, expressly waiving any other jurisdiction that may correspond to them, submit to the courts and tribunals of the city of Barcelona (Spain).

CONSTRUSOFT may make changes and corrections to this legal notice. Please check this page periodically for changes or new information.


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