Tekla Tedds is powerful software to automate your repetitive structural calculations. Choose from one or more of our regularly updated calculation libraries or write your own, and create professional documentation every time. Combine your structural calculations with 2D frame analysis.
Transform the way you work with Tekla Tedds by creating and combining calculations, analysis and documentation. Access the broad library of structural and civil calculations to automate time-consuming calculations and cumbersome spreadsheets. Do you have a specific requirement and need to write your own calculations? Tekla Tedds also provides you with a range of powerful development tools to write, store and distribute transparent custom calculations. Your automated and custom calculations are easy to check and changes are made quickly. Benefit from combining your calculations with analysis with the frame analysis possibilities. Analyse frames such as trusses, crancked beams and portal frames and link these to you calculations. Lastly, Tekla Tedds generates professional project documentation of everything you’ve created. You can generate and customise high-quality output, including structural calculations, sketched and notes.
This video shows how to set up steel member analysis and design in Tekla Tedds.
Interested in Tekla Tedds? We are happy to discuss the possibilities for your company, illustrated by a demonstration. Fill out the contact form to make an appointment.