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Trimble Dimensions

Construsoft poprvé v historii přednese 4 přednášky na Trimble Dimensions ve Vegas!  

Trimble Dimensions 2023, největší uživatelská konference společnosti Trimble, bude letos obohacena o čtyři příspěvky z dílny společnosti Construsoft. V Las Vegas vystoupí úplně poprvé Martin Maťašovský, Board Member & Heads of Products a Jan Princ, Lead Developer. Oba jmenovaní přednesou dva příspěvky, kterými obohatí již tak extréně nabitý program plný inovativních a systémových řešení. „Výzvy se staly minulostí, je čas mluvit o řešeních“, je jedním ze sloganů této prestižní události v letošním roce.  

6.-8. listopadu se do Vegas sjedou tisíce odborníků a nadšenců nejmodernějších technologií, kteří budou sdílet své znalosti a zkušenosti. Připomeňme například loňské vystoupení zakladatele společnosti Apple Steve Wozniak, nebo rozsáhlou expozici offsite expo. Trimble Dimensions 2023 má určitě co nabídnout!  

Níže přinášíme více informací o autorech a jejich příspěvcích v rámci Trimble Dimensions 2023. Vše v angličtině, převzato z webu https://www.trimble.com/en/our-company/events/dimensions/overview.  


Discover all the open API options that také your work with Trimble Connect to the next level. (Y-1725) 

Open API for Trimble Connect has a big chance to be a game-changer for managing projects in the Construction industry. Open API gives you unlimited options to extend the functionality of Trimble Connect, both way synchronization and data transfer. This session presents the big potential of development for Trimble Connect from a technical perspective on real business cases and needs. 

Objective 1: Say what is possible to reach with Trimble Connect API. 
Objective 2: Recognize the beneficts of Trimble Connect API. 
Objective 3: Decide best bussines oportunities of TC API. 

Jan Princ, Lead Developer, Construsoft Group 

Take the benefits of Tekla Structures Open API for your future (Y-1726) 

Tekla Open API is an Application Programming interface that allows 3rd party applications to integrate and communicate within the Tekla Structures modelling and drawing environment. In this session, there will be presented, how we developed the tools we offer to Tekla Structures users. You will leave this session with the essential knowledge of the power of Tekla Structures Open API. 

Objective 1: Explore the powers of Tekla Open API. 
Objective 2: Find the best scenarios where to use Tekla Open API. 
Objective 3: Learn real Tekla Open API use cases. 

Jan Princ, Lead Developer, Construsoft Group 

Advance of Open CDE and collaboration between parties in building industry (Y-1724) 

More and more emphasis are placed on open CDE. Cooperation between different entities within construction projects is inevitable. In this section, we'll show on real example how to use the power of the Trimble Connect API to connect everything with other systems. Not only data synchronization, but also synchronization of users, permissions, workflow, and document statuses. Open CDE is key for parties’ collaboration. Trimble Connect is fully ready for it. 

Objective 1: Experience the power of the Trimble Connect open solution. 
Objective 2: Connect Trimble Connect with your systems. 
Objective 3: Connecting two different CDE systems? YES! 

Martin Maťašovský, Board member, Head of Products, Construsoft Group 

Extensions for Trimble Connect due to power Open API solution (Y-1723) 

We made full use of Trimble Connect Open API capabilities to program the necessary and missing functionalities. In this session, extensions such as Document Workflow, Project Manager and others will be presented, which were developed for the needs of more efficient collaboration on projects within the excellent product Trimble Connect. We will present all from user perspective. Manage your building project better with Trimble Connect! 

Objective 1: Breaks down the barriers and limits of the Trimble Connect. 
Objective 2: Learn how to take full advantage of the CDE solution. 
Objective 3: Effective project management with Trimble Connect. 

Martin Maťašovský, Board member, Head of Products, Construsoft Group 

Informace i autorech: 

Martin Maťašovský 
Board Member & Head of Products at Construsoft Group. Specializing in CDE solutions' analysis, implementation & development. Degrees from Brno University of Technology & Dominican University in Chicago. Passionate advocate for openBIM, openCDE, and openAPI. Active in professional organizations. BuildingSMART International - Foundation Basic certification holder. 

Martin Maťašovský
Martin Maťašovský

Jan Princ 
Master`s degree in Computer science. Lead Developer in Construsoft. Managing Tekla Structures Open API and Trimble Connect API extensions development. 

Jan Princ
Jan Princ


Trimble Dimensions 2023 se uskuteční 6.-8.11.2023 v The Venetian Resort Las Vegas. Pro více informací navštivte oficiální stránky události:  


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